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Snowflake’s response to “enterprise grade” LLM – Snowflake Arctic

Today Snowflake announced the release of their enterprise grade LLM called Arctic. The Snowflake AI Research Team announced their enterprise grade LLM “that pushes the frontiers of cost-effective training and openness.”

According to the article “Arctic offers top-tier enterprise intelligence among open source LLMs, and it does so using a training compute budget of roughly under $2 million (less than 3K GPU weeks).”  According to the press release the training of the LLM took under 3 months to develop.  The implications of these efficiencies according to the article means “…Arctic is more capable than other open source models trained with a similar compute budget.”  Furthermore, “…the high training efficiency of Arctic also means that Snowflake customers and the AI community at large can train custom models in a much more affordable way.”

The article goes further to document some KPIs to show Artic is on par and even better than both LLAMA 3 8B and LLAMA 2 70B on enterprise metrics such as performance, while being 17x more cost competitive. For enterprise metrics, Arctic demonstrates top-tier performance compared to all other open source models regardless of the compute class and is the best open source model for various enterprise-wide use cases.  See Snowflake Arctic’s performance/cost ratio in comparison to other industry LLMs in the figure below.

These innovations in addition to other recent announcements show how Snowflake is delivering game-changing capabilities to empower the enterprise Data Cloud.

CIYIS is a member in the Snowflake’s Public Sector Partner Program, a Microsoft Federal Premier Support Partner & Reseller, a Microsoft Cloud for U.S. Government Cloud Service Provider, and a member in the Cloud Foundry Consulting and Integrator program. The CIYIS team has extensive experience designing, developing, deploying, and supporting systems integration, data management, and A.I. / M.L. cloud capabilities in various use cases across multiple technology stacks.

See the full story at the link below.

Source: Snowflake Arctic – LLM for Enterprise AI