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How innovative technologies in advanced manufacturing is bringing back jobs in the US…. – CBS News

Mississippi’s Golden Triangle,

60 minutes aired a segment yesterday evening about the story of an economic developer bringing jobs back to some of the hardest hit areas of the US that depended on manufacturing to sustain their local economies.

The story starts with Higgins background and shows how Higgins has brought in 6,000 jobs to the tri-county area since 2003.  The segment goes further to suggest that might not sound like a lot to people in big cities. But to the people in the small towns of the Golden Triangle, it amounts to about half the manufacturing jobs lost during the last 25 years.

Most of the investments leading to several thousand jobs are centered around advanced manufacturing, approx $6 billion, and showcase the business case for the re-emergence of manufacturing in America, lead primarily by sound business practices and use of innovative technologies.

Read the article below for the full story and how this economic developer is planting the seeds for a re-emergence of the industrial base for America.

Source: How an economic developer is bringing factory jobs back to Mississippi – CBS News